Hi guys,i feel free to update my blog.
Actually there's nothing i want to say,i was just bored.
Something happen before i begining my pre-u life,friend misunderstood me.
That's fine,i've tried my best to explain and no matter how she believe or not.
Whateverrr...Friend won't doubt friend.
Yet,she did.Luckily we don't have to see each other anymore.
Sooo,why don't i talk about my school's life?
GREAT idea!
There's a orientation week before we getting start our 1st sem.
All of us were being separated into 10 groups.
I'm in 7 -CAPTAIN M.
That's group's name was SUCK,anywhere my group members agreed using that name.
All the groups were asked to create a performance on the last day of orientation week.
My group wasn't unity as others,
-playing phones,gossiping and lots.
I'm the ONLY chinese in my group after my friend moving to other school.
PERFORMANCE DAY: our group had 2 person absent and our performance was terrible,horrible,no good,bad,the worst!
I felt so SHAME after performing,i didn't even want to get back to my seat after that.
My group's leader was so irresponsible,i DON'T like him,even we're friend.
The most disappointed me is there's no HOT guys in my class.
By the way,it's great to meet and know new friends.
Thanks GOD for letting to know each other.
That's FATE.